
Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Camp movie

Hi everyone!
Last month which was October, Ruru went to camp on the 27th Wednesday to the 29th Friday. When we got back from camp, 1 week later or something we created a mini movie about camp. We used WeVideo to create it. When I created my DLO (Digital learning object) I learning that, you could add music and make the text smaller. I've really enjoyed making my movie on WeVideo. It was a really fun way to create a movie. I think that next time we make a movie I will use WeVideo again. I didn't find anything difficult or that interesting. Next time I think that I could do better by maybe adding voice overs and more pictures and also videos. 

Here is the movie that I have created! 

I hoped you enjoyed watching

Friday, November 19, 2021

School camp recount

 Hi everyone!
In October 27th Wednesday Ruru went to Camp at Living Springs. We did lots and lots of fun stuff. But we had a walk to camp for like 2 hours! It was really tiring. We came back on Friday with our day pack and out big bag. I bought a yellow luggage. Camp was literally AMAZING! I hope we can go there next year. It was fun but tiring. We had to wake up at 6:30 in the morning! The next week when we got back to school we had to write a recount about what we did at camp.
Here is my recount about camp!

School Camp

On wednesday we went to camp, by 2 ginormous buses. I felt like it took an hour to get to living springs. But it was only like 45 minutes. Bus 1 had tribes 1 and 2 and bus 2 had tribes 3 and 4. I was in tribe 4. Later we had to get dropped off at a place where there were toilets and places to eat. Me and my friends Sofi, Hannah, Seoa, Soi and Dasha built a small hutt together made of colossal sticks. Sometime later we had to start walking to Living springs for hours! We started walking half way in our tribes. Tribes 1 and 2 were together and tribes 3 and 4 were walking together. We learned many things.  Soon when all of us met together at the farm, we had lunch. There were also 2 or 3 kunekune pigs. They were big. Me Sofi and Alister started climbing a tree. Minutes later we continued walking. However we didn’t need to walk in our tribes anymore! We mostly had to walk uphill. The 1st hill we had to walk up had so much sheep poop everywhere! When we were at the camp, I felt like my legs were broken. It was the most exhausting walk I have ever had in my entire life. The weather was EXTREMELY hot as well. But the view at the top was Super beautiful. Soon we got to get our big bags and go to our bunk rooms and set up our bunks. 20 minutes later or something we literally had to do orienteering. I HATED it. We had to get in groups of 5 or 6. I was in Sofi’s group. Every single group got a map and a board thing and a whiteboard marker or something. My group got Sofi’s mom to help us find the things. Sofi held the map and Soi held the board thing with the whiteboard pen. We had 30 minutes or something to find all the letters to spell a word but I forgot what the word was. After that we got to do recreation games. There we had a monorail, trampolines, rope spring, minigolf, zipline, and also sports. The ones I did were trampolines, rope swing and also minigolf. Soon we got freetime. For freetime we got to go back to our bunk rooms and continue making our beds. Later we had dinner. Dinner was really delicious. A few minutes after dinner we got to have dessert. For dessert we got to have ice cream with fruits. After that we had to auction. There were lots of things including candy. The auction took ages to finish. It was incredibly noisy. But I didn’t buy anything there because Then we finally got to go swimming in the big indoor swimming pool. The water was freezing cold. So I got out of the pool. Same with Sofi and seoa. ON the way back to our bunk rooms, me and Seoa were shivering the entire way back! We got into the cabins, We saw Sofi Sitting in her bed doing her knitting and me and Seoa were like: WHAT! We didn’t see Sofi come out of the pool and we were a tiny bit confused. Then we got dressed. I was still a bit cold after I got dressed, then I realized that I forgot to dry my hair! So then I dried my hair with my soaking wet towel. 

Soon we had the camp concert. When we got in we saw our song on the projector thing. We were so terrified. Then Sofi’s mom asked the teachers if we could not go 1st. But we were 4th, I wanted to be AT LEAST 10th. But it doesn’t matter. And all the judges gave us 10!nWe were so happy. At the end we got our duffy books. The book that I got was the ghost at dawn's house. Soon we went to bed and IT WAS THE WORST SLEEP IN MY WHOLE LIFE!!! Because 3 of my friends were talking so much and THEY were LAUGHING! It was SO frustrating to sleep. 30 minutes later or something they were still laughing and talking but luckily I fell asleep. But they kept on talking! It was really, really, really, really ANNOYING!

The next day we had to do 4 activities, and each activity was 1 hour and 30 minutes long. There was Bush Ecology, Initiatives, Low ropes, and also bouldering. My favourite ones were Low ropes and bouldering. It was very fun but very tiring. Soon we had dinner, dinner was also very good. Then we had desert but I didn’t want it. Then we had the auction again. Again I didn’t buy anything.

Then we went swimming, me and Sofi didn’t go swimming because it was cold. Later we went swimming but I stayed for around 1 minute and left with Seoa and Hannah. Then we had another auction. I got a lollipop. And we had a movie. Then we went to sleep. 

The next day we had to be cleaning up our bunk rooms. I took like 8 minutes to pack everything up and get dressed. Then we did recreation games. Like Trampolines, Rope swing, mini golf, balance bikes and other stuff like that. Soon we had the animal survival game. There were wild dogs, large herbivores, small carnivores and also small herbivores. Around when half of the game was done there was flood, rabies and also a hunter. I was a large herbivore with Seoa and I think also Soi? It was very fun. Wild dogs had 2 lives, large herbivores had 4, same with small carnivores, and small herbivores had 8. I only lost 1 life that means I had 3 left. I was a deer in large herbivores. Then we had lunch. Then we left camp and went back to school. 

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Chinese language week - Reading

 Hey bloggers!

WALT: Use personal information and literacy knowledge to make meanings from texts.

This week there are no book choices for reading but at least we still have the creates task to do. Basically everything is about Chinese. Because it is Chinese language week. This week we have 4 create tasks to do.

For the 1st create task we have recreate a comic about our favorite scene in the play about where there is lots of animal having a race and a selfish rat comes 1st place. But we can do the comic on our Chromebooks or on paper. I did my comic on paper because I kinda like drawing. But it might be really ugly because I rushed it.

For the 2nd create task we had to choose what animal is used in the culture from where we are from as a symbol. Then we had to write 4 - 5 sentences comparing the Chinese dragon and the animals from your culture. Then the fast finishers had to create a vector drawing about a Chinese dragon.

For the 3rd one we had to Use a color code and color in and complete an agamorgragh about a ox. Because it's the year of the Ox this year.

So then for the 4th create task we have to write our name in Chinese with an website. When we've found our name we had to practice writing our name in Chinese on a piece of paper.

I have not finished 2nd, 3rd and 4th but I have finished the 1st.

Here it is:

You can't really see it though.
But I've hoped you enjoyed what I have done so far.

Friday, September 17, 2021

Poetry Anthology - Writing

 Hey Bloggers!
For writing me and my class were working on poetry. We had to complete 10 poems. At the end when we completely finished the slideshow, we finally got to decorate it.
here is my slideshow:

I hope you enjoyed it!

Rata and the totara tree - Reading

  Hey Bloggers!

WALT: Analyse and evaluate the actions and storylines of Maori myths and legends.

This week at school for reading, the whole class including me, we only for 4 book choices. Since it maori language week, all the 4 book choices were like moari or something.
These are the 4 book choices: The creation of night and day, Kupe and the giant wheke (Octopus), How Maui discovered fire and the last one is Rata and the Totara tree. So the book that I chose to read about it Rata and the Totara tree.

The book Rata and the totara tree is about, This guy named Rata found this very tall tree and he started chopping it down. Later when it was chopped down he went to bed or something, The next day he went back to the tree and saw it standing back up, as if he never ever even chopped it down. Then he kept doing the same thing for 1 or 2 more days. Then at night he was watching if if stood back up. Then he saw lots and lots of animal fixing it back up. Then he said what were they doing with his tree, and the animals said its not his tree. The animals said that he didn't ask for permission to cut it down. Then they said that he wouldn't get punished or something because he forgot.

There are 3 reading create tasks,
For create task 1, we had to analyse our story. We had to get this piece of paper thing, And write something in each box. Like who the characters are, Where is was set and stuff.

Here's create task 1:
(I'm sorry if you cant read it)

For create task 2, we had to Evaluate the actions of the characters. So we had to make a copy of a google drawing and give three reasons with evidence to why we agree or disagree.
Here is create task 2!

And for create task 3 we had to make a glossary the Te Reo Kupu we found in our story. And make a copy of a glossary plan. use the moari dictionary for the definition, But we had to make sure we chose the right one using the context passage. The we had to use Animaker, Bitable or Renderforest to create a digital glossary.
I haven't done create task 3 yet, but I hoped you enjoyed it!

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Olympic Champion

 Hey Bloggers!

WALT: Locate and summarise important information from a range of related texts.

This week at school we were learning about Olympic champions. There are six books to choose from. Chicken Olympics, Our first Olympians, Game on, The Cindy limpics, born to run and the last one is The ancient romans race again.

The book choice that I chose is The Chicken Olympics. The Chicken Olympics book is about the people helping 3 chickens getting ready for a race ONLY for chickens. At the end all the chickens got a medal. But the 3 chickens ate the medal because it was actually made out of bread.

The first create task you have to a sheet to plan a thing about the Olympic champion we chose and write all the information down that we need. Then when we're done that we have to basically do the same thing on a google drawing. We also have to type in why we chose this person.

The second create task we have to choose a country that is participating at the Olympic games. Then find 20 facts about that country and what events they have entered into for the Olympics games this year. Then we will need to independently find information about a country of your choice. Choose a DLO (Digital learning object) to represent the country that we chose.
(The country that I chose is China.)

Then the last create task which is the third one we have to choose one of the articles on the site. Then we have to answer the question which country is it from? Plan and write a persuasive argument to that country on what they should do on their leftover Olympic area/Olympic village.

Here is what I have done so far!

Create task 1:

Create task 2:

I hope you enjoyed it!

Monday, August 9, 2021

Writing the missing numbers and the rule in algebra

Hey Bloggers!

WALT: Explore patterns in sequences of multiples.

Last week and also this in maths we were working on algebra. There are 4 sheets to work on but the 3rd sheet does not exist because its the same as the 2nd one.
All the sheets are patterns because its algebra. But on the 4th sheet we can create our own pattern! But there also has to be a rule. For example, 0, 5, 10 so the rule for this one is adding 5 but there can also be subtracting. 
Heres the pattern that I created:

1,000, _,___, 1,032, 1,048, 1,064, _,___, _,___, 1,112, 1,128, _,___, 
Rule: _______
Please type down the rule in the comment!


Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Maths - Doing sequences

 Hey bloggers!
Today at maths we've been learning about sequences. A sequence is like for example there's a pattern skipping up in 2s then if there's a missing number after number 16 then if you add 2 because you're skipping in 2s then 18 would be the answer. There is 2 sequences to do right now I've done both sequences. The first sequence is skip counting in 4s and the second is skip counting in 6 backwards.
This is what I've done and I hope you will enjoy it!

1st sequence:

2nd sequence:

Hope you enjoy it! 

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Winter Learning Journey (WLJ) - Activity 19

Hey bloggers!!
Right now in the school holidays, our teachers told us to work on this Winter learning journey thing (if you have your own chromebook).
So there are 20 activities to choose from.

Activity 1: Sadoko is a child living in Japan when the atomic bomb was dropped in Hiroshima, 1945. Click here to read her story: Sadoko and the thousand paper cranes.

Activity 2: What is the greatest migration and where does it happen each year? Record a screencastify and explain why it happens each year and which animals are involved in it.

Activity 3: What are 7 wonders of the world? What are they? Where are they? Create a Google My Map to profile each of the seven wonders.

Activity 4: Design a future invention to travel (E.g. Plane, Bus, Rocket) and then make a model of iy using things from around your house. Share your design and build progress in an interesting way on your blog.

Activity 5: Interview someone in your family about the their favorite place in the world.

Activity 6: Using Book Creator and a budget of $1,000 plan an exciting week of fun in your country. Remember to add lots of images and sound.

Activity 7: Research a different song or dance from a different culture/country. Create a blog post to teach others about it.

Activity 8: Research a popular tourist attraction from your country of study. And create a poster to advertise the attraction.

Activity 9: Have a look at some traditional dress from the country of your choice. Using this as an inspiration create a sports uniform for a national team.

Activity 10: Create an advertisement (Video) on a country of your choice. Include these things:
- Facts about the country
- Famous land marks
- Tourist attractions
- Available food

Activity 11: Choose a well known sport of the country of your study. Explain or demonstrate how to play it.

Activity 12: Would you rather live in Burkina Faso OR live in Verkhoyask. You will need to find a little bit of both places and add the answer to your blog.

Activity 13: Explain why you want to be a citizen of the country of your study.

Activity 14: Comment on three other students blogs. Make sure you include a greeting, a positive, a thoughtful, a helpful and a question! That means 5 sentences! If you get a comment make sure you reply!

Activity 15: Using a google draw to create a poster that explains how to make a traditional food from your country. Make sure to record your voice explaining the steps and add this as an audio file.

Activity 16: Listen to music from your chosen country. Now become a composer and compose a piece of music that represents your country. Share your composition to your blog.

Activity 17: Create an WHO AM I? For a famous person from your country of study.

Activity 18: Using a google drawing to reproduce the flag from your country of study.

Activity 19: Choose a town/city that you want to visit from your country of study. Create a holiday plan for you you will do during this time. Explain and justify your choices.

Activity 20: Where on google earth is Carmen Sandiego the crown jewels coper. The worlds greatest super thief has stuck again. Can you track her around the globe to recover the stolen loot?

So the activity that I chose is number 19.
Here is my slideshow about activity 19!

Hope you enjoyed it!

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Walt Disney - Reading create T2 W10

 Hey bloggers!

WALT: locate and summarise important information from a range of related texts.

This week at reading we've still been learning about famous people, but except of still working on the same book, we got to pick a different book. There are still 8 books to choose from.
The 8 books are: Amelia Earhart, Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King Jr, Anne Frank, Nelson Mandela, Walt Disney, Alexander Graham Bell and the very last book is Thomas Edison. The reading book that I chose just for this week is Walt Disney.

Walt Disney is about a young boy who loved to draw and is a very good drawer. When he was older he got a job which was selling food and drinks on a train. It was quite hard to get a job for him. He wanted a job to make cartoons. Soon he started his own company that made films named: Laugh - O - Grams. Years later he made many cartoons. Walt Disney is the person who created Disneyland.

The complementary text is about tips for how to create a film. The challenge text is about well basically the same as the complementary text except it teaches you how to make a GOOD film.

All the create tasks are still the same create tasks but I will explain them anyways (in case you forget.)

So create task 1 is that we have to make a copy of this google drawing and fill in each section. Then when we are done we have to blog it and click publish instead of keeping it as a draft.

Create task 2 is creating a fact file about a person of our own choice. But we might need to find MORE information to fill out the different sections. Then we have to answer this question: How is this person inspirational? After answering that question we have to choose 5 things that the person did to be an inspiration to us. So then we had to present our ideas on any DLO (Digital Learning Object) of our own choice and make sure to include why we think those stuff made the person inspirational. We also have to include the fact file. Then put the second create task and click update.

So then create task 3 is what does it mean by inspirational? Then come up with our own definition and how we can be a inspiration to others. So then after we've done that we have to create an inspirational poster, but we must come up with our very own message. Then when we've done that, we have to include create task 3 into our blog post and also click update. Then we're done.

Here's my work🙂:

Create task 1:

Create task 2:

Create task 3:

Hope you enjoyed my create tasks that I worked really hard on!

Monday, July 5, 2021

Private or personal information

 Hi bloggers!
Today at Cybersmart we were doing private and personal information. We have to learn how to be safe online. I found this activity well quite fun and good so we would know what to share online and what to not share online. I would rate this activity ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐5/5 for all the information and ⭐⭐⭐⭐4/5 for the fun🙂. 
Here's my work:

I didn't quite finish because I didn't know what to type for the reasons.

Friday, July 2, 2021

Landslides - Inquiry

Hey bloggers!

In inquiry we are learning about natural disasters. We can choose 1 out of 6 natural disasters. The natural disaster that I chose is Landslides. The other natural disasters are: Floods, Volcanoes, Avalanches, Tsunamis and the last 1 is Hurricanes. 

There are 6 steps. 1 is choose a topic and fill out the K and W part of the KWL chart. 2 is choose between a hamburger planning sheet and a General planning sheet. The planning sheet that I chose is the general one. Number 3 is Find 2 other sources of information about the topic of our choice then add more information from them into our planning sheet. 4 is write our information reports on a google doc and make sure each paragraphs begins with a topic sentence and is supported with facts about the same topic. 5 is check through our writing once then swap with a buddy and use a checklist. Number six which is the last 1 is how could we present our information reports, we could use google slides. animation, pictochart or if we have a different idea to do it on we could ask the teachers. The one that I chose is a Slideshow.

Here is my information report about Landslides!

Hope you enjoyed it! Bye!

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Amelia Earhart W9 reading

 Hey everyone!

WALT: Locate and summarise important information from a range of related texts.

This week we've been learning about famous people. There are 8 books. They are: Amelia Earhart, Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King jr, Anne Frank, Nelson Mandela, Walt Disney, Graham Alexander Bell and Thomas Edison. The book choice that I chose is Amelia Earhart.

The Amelia Earhart book is about this girl who was the first woman to fly a plane. She bought a bright yellowed airplane. But years later she died in a plane crash. However her body was never found after the plane crash like 200 and something years ago.

Both the complementary and challenge text is about Amelia Earhart.

Create task 1 is about making an copy of a google drawing. and filling in each section.

Create task 2 is about creating a fact file about a person. Then present our answer to the question: How was that person a inspiration? Then choose five things that the person did to an inspiration.

Create task 3 is about what does inspiration mean? Come up with our own definition and how we can be an inspiration to others.

Here are my create tasks!

Create task 1:

Create task 2:

Create task 3:

Hope you enjoyed it! Good bye!!!

Writing compound sentences

 Hey everyone!
At writing we've been working on compound sentences!
compound sentence is formed by adding two main independent clauses together using conjunctions. A main independent clause: stands alone as a complete sentence, for example 'I like food'.
Here are my compound sentences!

Hope you enjoyed it!
Bye for now!

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Matariki reading create week 8

 Hey everyone!

WALT: Summarise and analyse ideas and information from different texts.

This week we have been learning about Matariki. There are 2 videos and 2 texts to read. The 4 of them are about Matariki. Task one is watching and reading all the texts and making a copy of a google doc and filling in each box. Each box is about one of the texts or videos. There are four can dos you can do they are: Animate, Venn diagram, word search and the last is Tawhirimatea. But you can choose any 2. The 2 can dos that I chose is the Venn diagram and the Word search.

I enjoyed the word search because it's very fun. Plus I LOVE word searches.

What was hard for me is the word search because there are 30 words to find and the word search is literally huge!

Here my google doc and the venn diagram and word search:


Glossary for word find:

Matariki: The seven stars

Whetu: Star

    Stars: Sparkles in the night sky

Korero: Talking, reading

Kai: Food

Food: Eating

Land: Nature, grass and the trees

Whenua: Also land

Family: Loving kind people you live with

Whanau: Family

Event: Parties

Constellation: Stars

Harvest: Farming

Plaiades: Seven sisters of Atlantic

Maori new year: Matariki

Pipiri: First lunar month of year

June: Month of Matariki

Reflection: Looking back to something

Celebration: Having a family reunion

Future: Whats in front of you

past: Whats behind you

Present: Whats happening now

Marmataka: Moari lunar calendar

Pataka: Storehouse

Storehouse: Whats stored inside of the storehouse

Wairua: Spirit of a person which exists beyond death

spirit: Somebody watching

Calendar: Keep track of time

Lunar: New moon

Waiti: Sweet


I hope you enjoyed my Matariki work from this week!

Good bye!!!

Bushfire report

 Hey everyone!
Today we have been learning about bushfires! What they are, what they are caused by, where they occur and who they impact!
Here is my report about bushfires!

Thursday, June 17, 2021

The wonky donkey T2 W7 Reading create

Hey Everyone!

WALT: Make connections between ourselves, other texts and the world.
This week at school I and my class were reading about picture books. There are eight picture books. The first one is Hairy Maclary, second is where the Wild things are, third The wonky donkey, fourth you are special, fifth when Pigaso meets Mootisse, sixth the empty pot, seventh the bad case of stripes, and the last one which is the eighth is The tale of Peter rabbit. The picture book that I chose is The Wonky Donkey.

The wonky donkey is about a donkey who is kinda weird and naughty has one eye and three legs, there facts about the wonky donkey on each page. There also like this yellow bird who actually TOOK The donkeys eye out. But the story may be a little bit long.

Sorry but this week there is no complementary texts or challenge texts for not even ONE of the picture books!

My favorite part is when we had to do the Venn diagram because I liked to watch the video that I chose which is the empty pot and doing the similarities part of the Venn Diagram.

What was difficult for me is doing create task one because doing the connections with the world one and the other texts section because I couldn't think of anything connected to the Wonky donkey.

The first create task is making a copy of a google drawing. Then we have to fill in each section.

The second create task is making a copy of a Venn Diagram and filling in the circles about the facts of the character and in the middle we had to put in the similarities.

The third is making a copy of a google doc and and choose a section of the first create task and write about in create task three. Part two of create task three is animating it on a slideshow canva and stuff like that.

Create task four is using a voice recording thing and record our own voice reading one of the paragraphs in our story in our reading books. I'm sorry but I couldn't do create task four because we had to go to one of the rooms in our class and record ourselves. However, it was already full then we had to pack up, so I didn't get to record myself reading a paragraph of the instructional reading text. :(

Here are my create tasks I've done this week!

I Hope you enjoyed it!!
Good bye!