
Monday, March 29, 2021

Smart passwords W9 T1

 Hello everyone!
Today at cybersmarts we were learning about strong passwords and I learned that if you make a common password that people can hack into your account and see your private stuff and people will pretend to be you if they hack into your account.

Here are some strong passwords that I made today:

I Hope you enjoyed it! Bye!

Thursday, March 25, 2021

The day the crayons quit

Hey everyone!This week at school we have been doing 5 create tasks about the day the crayons quit. For this week my buddy was Flora. WALT: Make connections between what we know and the authors messages as we read. For the create tasks there was writing a letter back to 1 of the crayons pretending us being Duncan, Design a new wrapper for peach crayon, Create a trailer for the day the crayons quit, create a kahoot for the day the crayons quit and pick an everyday object to why it has to quit.This week we only got to finish 4. But we couldn't put our kahoot on our slideshow. Here is what we did for this week:

Hope you enjoyed it bye!

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Cynthia and Moana - Wacky Wednesday - Term 1

Hi readers!
This week at school we did wacky Wednesday create tasks. 
WALT: Make connections between what we know and the authors message as we read. So we had to pick a buddy to work with then we had to watch a video we had to complete 5 create task like a acrostic poem, create 20 wacky things in a classroom, build our own wacky animal, make a alliteration then we also had to make a pop up card but we could not make it because we did not have enough time to make it but we could make the other 4 create tasks.
Here is our create tasks:

I hope you enjoyed it!

Friday, March 12, 2021

Week 6 term 1 - reading create task

Hi readers!
Today I am going to show you my reading create task from this week. 
WALT: Reorganize information to gain an understanding of the text.
For this weeks create task we had to design our own buggy for our planet that we made. Here is what I made so far: 

I hoped you enjoyed it! Bye!!

Monday, March 8, 2021

How a comment affect somebody's feeling

How a comment can affect someones feelings. 
If you want to make someone happy you need to treat them the way you would like to be treated
If you comment terrible things you can also really hurt someone's feeling by doing that as well cause people work very hard to publish there work so don't comment horrible or terrible things to there work.

my monster (writing)

Hello viewers!

This term we have been reading where the wild things are for writing we have been creating our own monsters. We had to choose four animals and i Chose a Lion, Dolphin, Giraffe, and a Griffin. Also my monster is called Silenna. This is a description about Silenna.

I Hope you enjoy!

My monster is called Silenna. She has a lion mane, Griffin wings, Giraffe body, and she also has a Dolphin head.

Silenna's personality is brave, calm, shy and she is nice because she likes sharing her things with others.

Silenna's actions are, flying, swimming, running, sleeps, she eats leaves, meat, bugs, fish, nests, and she swimming underwater and she is also really good at heights.

Silenna changes because she does lots of reading, writing, science, and experiments, and she really  likes the way she is right now because she is more smarter than before, she is fierce and she is not shy like before anymore she is also much more playful than before.

Narrative writing with our monsters

This term we had been writing our stories about our five senses (Smell, see, touch, emotions and hear.) We had to choose a setting the setting I chose was the book setting, then we had to plan independently, after we had to find two other people that chose the same setting as you, then we had to

(Im sorry that i havent finshed yet)

All about me

 Hi readers, Today I am going to show you my all about me, I know I have not finished yet but whatever anyways i hope you enjoy it.


 Hi guys! Today I've made a pattern. One of them are numbers and the other is shapes! For both of the patterns I have made there's 3 lines at the end of both of these patterns, So you just have to answer the next 3 numbers from the pattern and same with the shapes. It is Quite easy, so I hope you do enjoy it!

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Return ticket please - reading create task week 5 term 1

Hi readers!
WALT: Reorganize information to gain an understanding of the text. 
Today I am going to show you my reading create task, for my reading create task we had to write 20 facts from our reading journal, scaffolding text, complementary text   and the challenge text but we only had to write 5 facts each box then we had to put all the 20 facts on to a poster on piktochart. Here it is!

I hope you enjoyed it!